Taylor Run, Alexandria, VA
About Taylor Run. Taylor Run is a great place for kids, it has a high school, preschool, and elementary school. 35% of people living there are families with children. Taylor Run is also ranked the #1 place to live in Alexandria with the best neighborhoods and people, an A+ overall grade for the city, and almost 100% in other categories.

Places to go in Taylor Run. Taylor Run has many places to go to like churches and family-friendly spots, but my personal favorite is the Alexandria City Football Field and Running Track. The Alexandria City Football Field and Running Track, is located at Woods Pl, Alexandria, VA 22302, is a great place to run with a pet or by yourself, or just experience nature. Its a part of the Alexandria City High school, but they do allow people to enter.
The History Of Taylor Run
Taylor Run has many historical landmarks. Many historical houses sell for a lot of money in Taylor Run. A recent one sold for $3,350,000. The average amount of days a historical house is on the market is 23 days. The houses are presumed to have something to do with 1 important presidents and 2 secrets within.